12 June 2011
Farewell Zbender
Exhibited at IDAS (Hongik University) Open House 2011.
Opiumblue_Media Art and Environment-Hongik 2011
08 June 2011
30 May 2011
Post-production 2
Post-production 1
27 May 2011
Z-trolley 002
25 May 2011
AVCHD test
23 May 2011
Crippled Z-trolley
16 May 2011
Z-trolley test shoot 3
15 May 2011
Z-trolley test shoot 2
Z-trolley test shoot 1
New Z-trolley

09 May 2011
Storyboard 2

The technical solutions that I have been testing:
To make it look as if the camera is going through (or sucked into) the next scene.
---> Testing on After Effects.
To achieve less shaky Z-depth camera movements.
---> Attaching the camera to hanger with dolly.
To create an surrealistic ending
---> Developing a cinemagraph image.
08 May 2011
Locations and camera test
07 May 2011

04 May 2011
Z-depth contents ideas 4
02 May 2011
Z-depth contents ideas 2

Z-depth contents ideas 1
01 May 2011
Z-depth camera test 2
Z-depth camera test 1

25 April 2011
24 April 2011

23 April 2011
The Bandit Tree
18 April 2011
17 April 2011
16 April 2011
The age of post-innocence
15 April 2011
Walls in my mind
13 April 2011
50th anniversary
12 April 2011
New method
11 April 2011
An amazing tutoring offer

Paint splashing test
10 April 2011
09 April 2011
08 April 2011
06 April 2011
Nonchalant graffiti 1

The image of the glow-in-the-dark cat was taken from http://ohfortheloveofscience.com
04 April 2011
Production ideas

01 April 2011
When the cat glows
30 March 2011
A location idea
Tempting... phosphorescence graffiti
28 March 2011
A Wild Style 4
A Wild Style 3
Random notes from the underground ch.4
Blu, Lucia, Heart Skips a Beat, James Gulliver Hancock, Chocolate, Dragon Stop Motion
Random notes from the underground ch.3
Luckily or unluckily, graffiti nowadays is becoming considered as high art rather than the sign of social corruption or vandalism which I would like to let my mother, who used to tell me "where there's a graffiti, there's a crime," know. ( It actually does make sense. The crime rate in NYC said to be dropped significantly after wiping out graffiti and brothels under Giuliani. Moreover, think about some American or French movies, the high schools where all the delinquents go to is filled with eye-abusing graffiti. In nay case, those films usually start out with a open scene where some teenagers shop-lifting or tagging their names somewhere in the "hood".
Random notes from the underground ch.2

I got a little disappointed with myself for still being a complete beginner to the world of graffiti. I shamelessly admit, thanks to Wikipedia, I found out some intriguing facts on its hitory. Firstly, the term "Graffiti" actually stemmed from the Italian word, graffito, ("scratched" ) and is one of the legitimate art techniques. The earliest forms of graffiti dates back to some 30,000 BCE where they used to cave paint. Last but not least, the early example of modern-style graffiti is considered to be an advertisement for prostitution in the ancient Greek City of Ephesus (Turkey). My conclusion is very simple, graffiti was not all about Banksy, subways, name tagging and gangster signals. Shame on me.
A Wild Style 2
A Wild Style 1
Random notes from the underground ch.1

Yuri Endo 2005
20 March 2011
18 March 2011
Wondrous little planets 2
Wondrous little planets 1
The nice bandit on second try

14 March 2011
Angry luminance