30 March 2011

A location idea

2011 Yuri Endo

This might not be too dark enough to work on the phosphorescent graffiti but I've been wanting to do some performance art under this bridge. The place in the image above is located by the Han River, close to Shinsa Station.

Tempting... phosphorescence graffiti

2011 Yuri Endo

After a few sleepless brainstorming nights, my professor gave me a tempting idea; phosphorescence graffiti. Above image was taken in my flat using a phosphorescent object that I am using for my projection mapping project. The problem of this object is that its luminosity is not intense enough and unsustainable. I needed to build a little dark room and ISO 800 in order to take this photo. I believe I'm willing to give a shot on this idea after all.

28 March 2011

A Wild Style 4

Another inspirational work of somewhat ecological and vandalization free graffiti. After watching those amazing works, I am jealous and slightly depressed.

A Wild Style 3


This is another fun and ecological approach for modern graffiti which I am also interested in trying out.

Random notes from the underground ch.4

So what would a person like myself who is, no Banksy, slightly apolitical and agnostic, be a little creative in hopes of gaining maximum 3 minutes of "wow" from people, do for the upcoming project? In that sense, stop-motion meets graffiti sounds like my prospective direction. Having said that, I would like to take full advantage of my nice camera and newly acquired 3D skills. The story would be based on my short sketches which are under development. I would further seek for the extra ideas and methods in order for me to able to work at my own little dark crib rather than actually vandalizing public spaces. In the mean time, I would try to get inspired from geniuses' works and try not to get depressed.

Blu, Lucia, Heart Skips a Beat, James Gulliver Hancock, Chocolate, Dragon Stop Motion

Random notes from the underground ch.3

2011 Yuri Endo
A graffiti found around Hondae station. It's nothing too intriguing, yet I'm fun of its colors.

Luckily or unluckily, graffiti nowadays is becoming considered as high art rather than the sign of social corruption or vandalism which I would like to let my mother, who used to tell me "where there's a graffiti, there's a crime," know. ( It actually does make sense. The crime rate in NYC said to be dropped significantly after wiping out graffiti and brothels under Giuliani. Moreover, think about some American or French movies, the high schools where all the delinquents go to is filled with eye-abusing graffiti. In nay case, those films usually start out with a open scene where some teenagers shop-lifting or tagging their names somewhere in the "hood".

Random notes from the underground ch.2

2005 Yuri Endo
My favorite piece found in yet again Dresden.

I got a little disappointed with myself for still being a complete beginner to the world of graffiti. I shamelessly admit, thanks to Wikipedia, I found out some intriguing facts on its hitory. Firstly, the term "Graffiti" actually stemmed from the Italian word, graffito, ("scratched" ) and is one of the legitimate art techniques. The earliest forms of graffiti dates back to some 30,000 BCE where they used to cave paint. Last but not least, the early example of modern-style graffiti is considered to be an advertisement for prostitution in the ancient Greek City of Ephesus (Turkey). My conclusion is very simple, graffiti was not all about Banksy, subways, name tagging and gangster signals. Shame on me.

A Wild Style 2

2008 Yuri Endo

I believe these photos are taken somewhere in Paris. Although I am not particularly found of this legendary duo per se, I thought the compositions and colors were quite striking.

A Wild Style 1

2010 Malin Sjoberg

Apparently somebody has tagged my name on a wall in Prague. This is a proof photo taken by a friend. Too bad, it was not me who did it...

Random notes from the underground ch.1

Yuri Endo 2005
Dresden, the graffitiville

Here are some of my notes upon my initial brainstorming sessions for the upcoming Graffiti project:

My early memories of graffiti dates back to mid 90's in Tokyo. Whenever I got a chance, I used to spent significant amount of time hiding out in The "Backstreet of Harajuku (裏原 Urahara)" where there used be filled with crazy graffiti and highly trend-concious neo-hippies selling useless handmade accessories on the street. For about a month or two, I went trough a phase where I attempted to sell my handmade woven bracelets there. Sadly, my little business failed and I decided to concentrate on people watching, especially, amateur graffiti artists tagging their names on the walls which was the most exciting and inspiring memory of my youth in Tokyo. Unfortunately, we'll see less graffiti and artistic inspirations in that part of the city.

Some 10 years after, I still can't help myself stopping in front of nice graffiti especially while I'm traveling. I consider myself as quite a globetrotter and the graffiti paradise to me was Dresden and the former East Berlin. It seemed as though this art form was literary taking over the city and blend perfectly and tastefully in with the scenery. To my surprise, I did not find many works contained political agenda except for what I found near the former Berlin wall.

18 March 2011

Wondrous little planets 2

It is amazing how much you can play with images for only a few clicks and typing. Click "read more" button for more images.

Wondrous little planets 1

I created some little planets using my old photos. Click "Read more" for more images.

The nice bandit on second try

I managed to get the bottom part this time, however, the bandit's hand is misplaced. I'm planning to further work on this piece as my final. Hope he would sparkle on third attempt... Click here to watch

14 March 2011

Angry luminance

I ran another test by using my newly acquired light-painting skills. Since I quietly tasted it in my room (by myself) I couldn't manage to shoot on 360 panorama. Click here to watch

Just a little light

My very first light painting piece.
F 5.6/ Shutter speed 15"

12 March 2011

Next stop Misslandia

I tried semi exterior shoots this time. It seems as though I am having an extreme case of coordination disorder, simply put, I can't stop moving along with my camera even with help of tripod.... managing a model and a 360 panorama shot simultaneously is way more challenging than I had imagined. Click here to watch

09 March 2011

The nicest bandit in the universe

I asked my very nice classmate who I just met last week to put on my bandit hat and model for me. In this quicktime movie, I am still missing the bottom part where I am planning on inserting completely different scenery. Click here to watch

Aftermath of the creative orgies

I tried to document my shockingly messy room during the process of my multiple projects that I have been working on, then turn it into a virtual reality quicktime piece... failed. I'll further work on these images.

Used software: Autodesk Stitcher

That's a nice hat

Although I have almost zero skills in cutting and sawing, I finished putting one bandit hat together from my winter scarf/hood which I'm intending to use for my first project.

08 March 2011

A new obsession

One of the most fantastic bandit hats in the history of cinema

I recently became obsessed with bandit hats (aka balaclavas) in a very unexpected way. There is something hot about these hats especially made for bandits...why? how? who? I would probably be spending most of my semester to explore the world of this mysterious hat.

04 March 2011

Hit or miss, that is the question

Thanks for stopping by at Hit-or-Misslandia.

In this blog, I'm planning on briefly and wondrously documenting my class notes as well as my projects for "Media Environment". Stay tuned!